According to the law, only the H4 visa dependent spouses of the principle H1 visa holders have been considered as immediate relatives. Many non-US born ( H4 visa dependent children) children come legally with their high skilled parent/ parents in the USA at a young age. Due to the long wait for the Green card, many of such H4 visa holder children who have attained 21 years are aging out and moving back to their home countries.
DACA Rule (Executive
order) was implemented in 2012. Under this rule, work permits are issued to the eligible children of undocumented immigrants staying in the
US. Several schools provide multiple education benefits to these children. This blog and author is not against extending such benefits to children of undocumented immigrants, but feel that similar facilities should be extended to the dependent children of legal immigrants as well. Given the fact that legal immigrants' contribution to the US economy is much larger than that of undocumented immigrants, dependents of these legal immigrants should be provided equal opportunities, if not more.
Official link to DACA Rule: