I hope that my new blog will give an insight about the H4 visa related issues, laws, and advocacy ideas. The large traffic on our Facebook group has motivated me to start a Facebook page which is more organized with added settings and features. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/H4visaacurse
None of this would have been possible with the support of my husband, the group members, friends from the media, Facebook and now Blogger. Though it is quite tough to get the provisions for a minority group, but by creating more attention towards this cause, we hope it will be helpful for the current and new aspirants on the H4 visa.
The name 'H4 visa, a curse' has been chosen because it is not the people's choice that they are unable to work. It is a strange immigrant situation that has been imposed by the US government. H4 visa situation includes various implications like domestic violence, financial dependence, no identity, breaking up of the families, legal H4 visa children leaving their families, skilled H4 visa holders have been inhibited to work or start any business for 10- 15 years. That is indeed a curse!
With this blog and the Facebook page, I want to bring awareness about the problems faced by H4 dependents, and raise a voice to support the reforms envisaged to address these issues.